Tribal Football

Ocampos has message for Sevilla fans: We expected this season to be different

Ocampos has message for Sevilla fans: We expected this season to be different
Ocampos has message for Sevilla fans: We expected this season to be different
Ocampos has message for Sevilla fans: We expected this season to be differentFlashscore
The result sees Sevilla just about safe from relegation.

Ocampos said afterwards: "We made an impressive effort. We knew that we needed the victory to be calm. We were all very correct and we played a great game.


"In the first half we didn't find the spaces. Sometimes I found myself alone against three... in the second half the coach moved pieces and we found more unmarking. That's where we made the difference."

With the permanence virtually in the pocket, Ocampos took stock.

He added: "We had a very bad time. We had just won a Cup and we thought that this year would be different. We ended up suffering in a way we shouldn't have. Hopefully next year will be different."
