Newcastle loan chief Ameobi: Saudi takeover lifted cloud off our city; Howe epitomises Robson beliefs

Tribal Football
Newcastle loan chief Ameobi: Saudi takeover lifted cloud off our city; Howe epitomises Robson beliefs
Newcastle loan chief Ameobi: Saudi takeover lifted cloud off our city; Howe epitomises Robson beliefs
Newcastle loan chief Ameobi: Saudi takeover lifted cloud off our city; Howe epitomises Robson beliefsFlashscore
Ameobi enjoyed success with Newcastle under Robson.

He told a fans function in Melbourne, Australia: "Eddie Howe epitomises everything Sir Bobby Robson believed in.


"He gives everybody the time of day and knows what it means to do what we do. He gets it.

"Eddie deserves so much credit for turning it around. For me, the PSG game was the best I've seen.

"It was an amazing night."

On the Saudi takeover in 2021, Ameobi also said: "Being in Newcastle and seeing what happened at the stadium. It was a cloud lifted off the city.

"It was that strong. We have ownership that wants to move us forward and resources."